Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009


More Men Are Working from Home

In this day and age of corporate downsizing, layoffs and gas that costs more than four bucks a gallon, more and more men are opting to work at home given the opportunity. Most of the time when people think of work-at-home, they picture work-at-home moms or old people who are retired sitting in front of their home computers making a few bucks. There is something wrong with that picture. It isn't accurate.
Please see:


More and more men are taking jobs where they work online from their own homes rather that at an office out in the brick-and-mortar world. Even more men are starting their own online businesses. Why?
Well, for starters, there is money to be made on the Internet. There are no space and distance restrictions. A computer in a little hick town in Iowa is connected to the same Internet as one in London, England, or anyplace else in the world. Internet businesses are not limited to a customer base in a small town on Main Street. An Internet store faces the Whole World Street, and potential customers are people all over the world who are online.
Also look at:

Another reason why more and more men are opting to work at home is the scope of opportunity. Climbing the corporate ladder has traditionally meant that men had to relocate their families every few years. When men work at home at a job or by building their own online business, they are always connected to the whole world. Relocating isn't necessary.
A larger return on time and money investment is another reason that men are opting to work at home. Men invest a lot of time working to provide for their families. They invest money to help secure the future. The return on the time and money investment in an online job or business far outweighs the return on the time and money invested in traditional jobs out in the brick-and-mortar world.
Don't forget to visit:

Thank you,

Adeyeri Haruna also blog at nigerian national conference